
Heavy Metal Restaurant

I just finished a run across campus and back to our apartments near the river. You might notice the time of night and wonder why I go running so late. There are three main reasons: mental health, motivation, and bucking the trend.

Mental health: If I ran at day, the sight of a foreigner might cause all kinds of accidents and other problems. I feel a little like a circus animal already anyway, and I don’t think all the extra staring would help my well-being.

Motivation: People sometimes catch a glimpse of me even at night. About one in four make some sort of predictable comment like “Haloooh!” which makes me want to run away from them. . .quickly.

Bucking the trend: In my eight months here, at least 99% of the people I’ve seen exercising were doing it between 4:30 and 6:00 PM—before dinner. I find the opportunity to introduce some unconformity irresistible.


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