
Democratic Censorship

Microsoft recently agreed to block "bad words" on their Chinese sites--words like "democracy" and "freedom." While perhaps this is yet another sign that Microsoft is the antichrist, it doesn't come as much of a surprise. And they're not the only company bowing to the Communist Party's wishes concerning censorship.

For years, China has been constructing what is elsewhere affectionately termed the Great Firewall--which is an online extension of the government's general censorship. With construction nearly complete the Party are hoping to protect innocent and helpless citizens from pages containing words like "human rights". Yahoo and Hotmail email accounts are also increasingly being blocked.

It's no surprise that most of the Great Firewall is built with technology from American companies. Of course, no one would expect Yahoo or Microsoft to throw away huge revenue from sites in China by refusing to cooperate with the "democratic" government. The USA is at least doing some things to help, along with others.

Here's an update. - June 22

And another. - June 23.


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