
Pong Pummeling

On my computer, 4000 photos that take up 9.3 gigabytes. My 8000 songs take up 46 gigabytes and could provide more than 25 days of continuous listening.

I get my email, news, weather reports, entertainment, gas prices, word definitions and synonyms from my computer. I stitch together photos, keep students' grades, do research, schedule appointments, keep track of contacts, watch movies, write, edit photos, burn cds, and chat with friends on my computer.

Yet I only truly came to appreciate the power of this metal box when I received a sound 5 to 1 whooping in a simple game of Pong. This thing blows my old neighbor's ATARI 2600 away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

F9 button is awesome!!! Made just for taking photos of the screen!

10/21/2005 4:50 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

on apples you have to hit apple+shift+3. a lot harder, but i don't have to deal with pop-up windows, viruses, bill gates, etc. pretty good trade-off, i think.

10/21/2005 8:06 PM  

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