
Left Hand, Meet Right Hand


Blogger Spoomonger said...

The rehetoric about all the 'torture' issues in the news boggle my mind. Whatstrueifitstruewhy? I used to work for DoD and is was common knowledge that torture doesn't work. With such motivation people will just come up with crap to appease you to stop the pain - nothing you can act on. Did a pro-torture policy help the USSR? ...the Nazi's? Where are they all today?

11/07/2005 10:02 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

i just watched a ridiculous white house press briefing about this issue, which went pretty much like this:

reporters: is the vice president asking for an exception to laws against torture?

press sect: you would have to ask the vice president's office about that.

reporters: uh...isn't the vp's office under the white house?

press sect: yeah, and they follow the president's policy on interrogation practices, which is on our website.

reporters: do you know what that policy is?

press sect: yes.

reporters: could you tell us what it is, or whether it allows for torture?

press sect: no. you can see our policy on our website.

11/08/2005 1:09 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

"Mom, I find it interesting that you call The Weekly World News 'the paper.' A paper contains facts."

11/16/2005 4:53 PM  

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