Homeland Security GPA
The 9/11 commission released their final report today. The report addressed lawmakers' response to the commission's initial recommendations, and gave a letter grade to each specific response. For example, under "Improve airline passenger screening" the government got an 'F.'
Since everyone is real busy and no one likes watching C-SPAN, I calculated the United States Homeland Security GPA: 1.71.
Email your senator or something? Hold them back ... retake the grade? I dunno.
Since everyone is real busy and no one likes watching C-SPAN, I calculated the United States Homeland Security GPA: 1.71.
Email your senator or something? Hold them back ... retake the grade? I dunno.
My vote is for expulsion.
Sorry, I couldn’t get past the first category without commenting… pass that digitalization law so we can get better emergency access for emergency situations dammit, that is, only if the federal gov’t will pay for the conversion box for my old television…I mean that’s my god given right to watch TV and if the gov’t wants to make the situation better they should be responsible for my lack of funding to buy that converter – or maybe a new tv altogether, somebody will pay for it, its not my responsibility, that’s the tax payers job –whoever they are, screw those capitalistic entrepreneurs.
Oh - I forgot I do pay outrageous taxes for all of those gov’t funded programs already – in light of that buy a new tv or get a job and buy the converter on your own…Those suckling from gov’t funded programs for those too incompetent to realize the value of honest work and self responsibility for one’s affluence should bear that weight on their shoulders. I’m a little bitter as my accountant has given the bad news to the self employed. I think Rush Limbaugh stated it best, that everyone should have to pay their taxes on their own rather than the weekly deduction as some as all those ‘nasty’ business owners that are the foundation of our economy do, then the American society might realize the insanity of our taxation system ever fueling these handout generations…
Oops – any body tweaked yet…Merry Christmas all the same….
Ahhh... the philosophy of Space...interesting approach... Space(land) > place > home. There is a bridge and how we get from point A to C can be a subjective and objective journey, no?
Suppose there are three arrows. Arrow B is at rest. Suppose A moves to the right past B, and C moves to the left past B, at the same rate. Then A will move past C at twice the rate. This doubling would be contradictory if we were to assume that time and space are atomistic. To see the contradiction, consider this position as the chains of atoms pass each other:
A1 A2 A3 ==>
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3 <==
Atom A1 is now lined up with C1, but an instant ago A3 was lined up with C1, and A1 was still two positions from C1. In that one unit of time, A2 must have passed C1 and lined up with C2. How did A2 have time for two different events (namely, passing C1 and lining up with C2) if it had only one unit of time available? It takes time to have an event, doesn't it?
who's john?
Look at me.I'm the one telling you how it is. That's not too hard to figure out, is it?
A great movie that's an example of how Chili takes one place that is essentially a "home" to the next "home" in his life and the progression through the stages of the philosophy of space - not in the phsyics sense as previously suggested.
Does the physical structure of space have as much to do with the core of how we respond to our surrounding situations? maybe this conversation is exhausted unless it goes insanely deeper...
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