
Pinback Cometh

April 29, Lawrence


Enjoy the Typos

Rules of the Users


Guangzhou Shirt


The Invisible Plight of the Homeless Chinese



Addictive Track Of The Night

(Read in the voice of a creepy Creole witch doctor lady, like that one from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.)

"I keant stop listnin' to dis track from A Band Of Bees. Now you see if ya be havin de same problem. Juss go ahead an click on dere, child. An remember ta always pay de chicken back."



Would That It Were Warmer


For To Listen

These music reviews are pretty time consuming, so don't expect another for a while. I've been home with a bad back for the last couple days, so I've had time. But don't think that you can just beg for more music and then, poof! more music. I ain't nobody's monkey.

belle and sebastian aimee mann tosca

my morning jacket kubb lucinda williams

the arcade fire the cardigans tom vek


Conversation Piece

jesus liberal

Last week at my parents', the conversation went something like this:

Dad: "Who do you think was the greatest liberal thinker of history?"
Anthony: "Jesus."
Dad: "Me, too."
Mom: "Shh! Hannity and Colmes is on."


New to Me

Some good stuff I've heard lately--favorites first. Mouseover for album info and recommended tracks; click to preview. Oh, and it's scratch-and-sniff.

The Magic Numbers - The Magic Numbers 29 - Ryan Adams Descended Like Vultures - Rogue Wave

Veneer - Jose Gonzalez Far Away Trains Passing By - Ulrich Schnauss Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung

Keep It Together - Guster Ronin Soundtrack - Elia Cmiral Virgin Suicides Score - Air


Saturday Morning Photoshop

Monkey PhilipDisproportionate LukeInconvenient JohnShanghai